After these
shows we went to the other park to see the new parade
"Stars 'n' Cars".

In the first
are present Mickey and Minnie in a black Cadillac from 1929 full
with sparklers and in splendid white clothing, beside the carriage
Goofy walks in his movie directors outfit.
In the second carriage a dark green one with movie design and a large
movie board at the back sit Donald and Daisy,
In the third carriage, pale blue with yellow and the picture frame
of the magical mirror at the back sit Snow White and Dopey,
In the fourth car, which is the also pale blue and large head of
genius on the cap. The Flying Carpet sit at the back and of course
Aladdin and Jasmine.
In the fifth carriage sit Sully
a bright red car with the company logo of Monsters Inc.
In the sixth carriage sit Lilo & Stitch, which has been decorated
with flowers and plants. And even 2 palm trees just like in Hawaii.
In the seventh carriage sit Woody and Jessie, accompanied Mr. and
Ms. Potato Head at the front of the car.
In the eighth carriage sit Cruella, Gaston and the Evil Queen of
Snow White, the villains of the parade. A black car with violent
yellow lines.
In the ninth carriage sit Ariel, this one is aqua and full with
shells and a sea horse. In the back sits Sebastian and Flounder.
In the tenth carriage
is a carousel of fun,
with Mary Poppins, Bert and Dancing Penguin strolling down the
street. The colorful car is topped with old-fashioned dancing
carousel horses.
In the eleventh carriage,
the last, is Mulan under a giant dangling Chinese umbrella. Mushu
runs beside the carriage.
At the end of the parade on the Place of Stars Disney characters
give there a show.
Afterwards they will give signatures to the public. And you can make
The Walt
Disney Studios will close park at seven o'clock and we returned to
the camp-site for a barbecue. The next day we would return. The park
opened at 10 o'clock and we went now immediately to Walt Disney
Studios Park.
There we wanted still to make what photographs and
visit the
new attractions. First of all we went to Playhouse Disney
Live on Stage. Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage! live-show have
been based on TV-show Playhouse Disney in which the famous stars
became a real life. The little dolls which are
playing in the show, will be awoken to life by doll-players.
During Playhouse Disney Live on Stage in the Walt
Disney studios will be called the help of all present children to
organize an anniversary party for Minnie Mouse with Handy Manny,
Little Einstein and the characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The
recipe of Playhouse Disney Live on Stage exist from
interactive scenes, much co-ordination, lively music and special
effects among which an enormous bubble machine, by the exit of the
building on the wall are
all kinds of characters from
the show.
Hereafter we photographed what
movie posters. We had to wait
for a while, for the next show of high school Musical. They stopped
one time, normally 2 times, at the several shows. Only on Places of
Stars. So we
went firstly inside for food and to drink. It was still warm 28
degrees. The kids of East High have been back and dancing and sing in the new act
High School Musical Party! This
street musical brings the most known hits from the three
High Schools Musical films. Large and small were invited during these
shows to dance and sing!
We returned to the Disneyland
Park, where a show was on Town
Square with
Mary Poppins, Bert and the Penguins.
Here we stood for a while and make some photos. We had not such a
good place, but we could see it. We go further and there came the next
attraction to
Minnie's Party
Train. We went further to Videopolis
where was now Cinema Mickey.
These cartoons are shown every
hour, except 14.00 - 17.00. You can sit there nicely, just to
drink something and after a couple of movies we went further. We saw
also Dance
Discoveryland, a dance show with Stitch. It's a Parade float and
the dancers look like a little bit at Star Trek. The audience is the
same as the great "twister" points at the floor in Discoveryland. We
stopped for this day and returned to the camp-site. Tomorrow we wanted
to see the show of the Stars 'n' Cars in Walt Disney Studios.
The next day we went at 1 o'clock to the park. We
had put away firstly the sunroof, because the sky looks if there
came rain today. But
happily it stays dry. The show of the parade started just half
past six in the evening, therefore we had enough time to see other
in Walt Disney studios. There was no file for Crush
Coaster, these was closed for a while, therefore we took
that as first. Within 10 minutes we were in the attraction. That has never happened.
Afterwards we took Animagique, these remain pretty, only it's a pity that
you cannot make photographs or movies. In CinéMagique we had not
been there also for quite some time. Also we did Armageddon with the
special effects.
It was meanwhile half past four, therefore we had
still 2 hours to go. Time to drink a cook, it was still oppressive warm. Here
and there still looked at the attractions and at half past five we went
direction Places of Stars. The first people sat and stood there already. But we
stood in the front with a good visibility, right for the podium. Already
became more people and then was it so far. The parade
had started and was on gone to here.
The show
could started. It was be
certainly worth to wait so long for 1 time to see this show. On our
way to Disney Village we saw this in the street.

Anaheim July 17 1955
9102 km
Orlando Oct. 1 1971 7272 km
Tokyo April 15 1983 9698 km
Hong Kong
Sept. 12 2005 9584 km
were back one more time, to see this show.
Goofy's Summer Camp
Thirty-eight time
It is November 23 and inclement weather. We leave
Leerdam at seven o'clock in the morning. 5 hour drive, we would be
at Disneyland 12 o'clock. But no way in Antwerp we had so much
traffic, and in Brussels the same, so we were at 2 o'clock in Paris.
But fortunately it has become dry.

was very quiet in the park. No waiting times, it is sometimes
pleasant. But now it started to rain and continued all afternoon.
Many Christmas decorations were not there. Maybe a little too early.
But the Christmas began on November 8. But first we look around here
and take photos before it was raining too hard.

We first went to
Christmas Village. We took pictures as possible because of rain.
Every drop you see in the picture. But it still managed to take
quite some pictures. On to the next attraction. That was
"It's a
Small World Celebration". We were lucky because they had just
been opened Saturday, November 21. Outside, the flag changed in
Celebration. The 200 dolls have been given new clothes and
accessories for Christmas 150 fitted. Even St.Nicolaus is there now.
And you hear a special Christmas performance of It's a Small World.
The music is from the American parks and takes about fifteen
minutes. This can be seen until February 15, 2010. The last
Celebration was in 2003/2004.

It was becoming increasingly harder rain, so we
went to Pirates of the Caribbean. We also took some pictures.
After we went to Woody Roundup Village where Santa was. We did not
Santa Claus in the picture and it is difficult to make pictures
inside there. We have a couple. Because it is still raining we went
Mickey's Winter Wonderland show. Behind us were the doors
closed. So we were just in time. We were now in a very different
place. But we could see it well. This show is always fun.
It was now a quarter to five. The rain was
slightly less. And we proceeded to the parade, this continued. We
could easily find a place. And since the parade always begins 10
minutes later we were on time. Here the pictures of
Once Upon a Dream Parade followed by the Dreams of Christmas.
For six hours, the
Tree Lighting Ceremony. Every evening, guests are invited to a
stunning brand-new show around the majestic Christmas Tree in Town
Square. Enchanted illumination orchestrated by Mickey and Minnie
Mouse in person promises to dazzle young and old alike with loads of
magical Christmas surprises. Sleeping Beauty Castle Lighting
Spectacular every night under the Sleeping Beauty Castle is a true
transformation in an incredible spectacle and twinkling. The Castle
is due to slightly more than 400,000 turned into a really sparkling
ice palace. At seven o'clock came to the
Fantillusion Parade. That
was years ago that we had seen. There were no fireworks at the end
of the day. So we went back to the hotel.

The next day it was 10 o'clock. We took first the Walt Disney
Studios Park. See if there were also Christmas decorations. The
weather was extremely quiet. The stalls were not all open. So first
we took some shops. We bought some pottery and that we did not take
it with us, but we could get it, if we went home. That was better.
Further into the park. At half past ten came
Merry Christmas Walt Disney
Studios, the car with Mickey, Minnie, Chip and Dale, Goofy,
Donald and Daisy. Only Mickey and Minnie were in Christmas clothes.
Goofy was Father Christmas. They shared autographs and you could
take pictures.

Gradually were all the stalls open and the people came into the
park. But it was still quiet. We went back to the other park to do
some shooting there. We took some pictures in
Adventureland and
Frontierland. Back to the castle for the show
Snow White - Happily Ever
After to see. Finally we took the haunted house and we went back
to the Walt Disney Studios Park for the packets to retrieve. It was
now 1 o'clock and we still had at least 5 hours to drive.