Thirty-six time Christmas 2008

Saturday December 6 we went to Disneyland Resort Paris at half past
seven in the morning. We could keep driving well and we were around
1 o'clock in Paris. We parked the car at the New York hotel.
There we saw already, that there were so many guests to checked in.
On our way to the park. The
weather was normal for this time of the year.
Through Disney Village to come, was already a challenge. But to gone to the
parks, it was terrible. What a flow of people ran there, to go to the parks. At
the pay-desk people stood outside. That we had seen not yet in all those years,
which we income there.
We wanted to
see in any case 2 shows, Winnie the Pooh and Friends too… Christmas
and Minnie' s Jolly Holiday show. A quarter for three started the
Winnie the Pooh show. It was in the meanwhile a quarter for 2, so we
went up to the direction of the castle. There arrived, there
stood already a complete large file with waiting. And then we had
wait 1 hour before the show started.

Endless we
could go in there and started
Winnie the Pooh and Friends Too ..... Christmas. It the same
tale had been only adapted in the Christmas period. And always nice
to see. The show lasts 25 minutes. In the meantime it had also
rained, but was now it was
dry happily. Back to the enormous
upheaval. The waiting times were very large, 120 minutes were
nothing and at the fastpass were no longer get for the complete day.
Delicious such a weekend out.

On to the next
attraction. The show of Minnie. This show was kept on Central Plaza.
Minnie' s Jolly Holiday show, where Minnie with her boyfriends
gives a dancing show. A very nice show to see. We did not have the
most beautiful weather, but it was dry. This show lasted 25 minutes
Characters Express train it had been also decorated in Christmas
style with the characters and brought them to Central Plaza. After
this we wanted to drink a cup of coffee. So we went to the shop
arcade. But forget it, before you are to the turn, you were
forget that you want something to buy. So we decided to go to the
hotel to check in. At six o'clock we had be here. We stay in hotel
Balladins in Esbley. That probably, however, the last time will be.
Because the hotel goes a lot reverse. We thought it have been now
taken over by Balladins, it better will become, but nothing is less.
It becomes earlier worse. After we drink coffee in the hotel, we
returned at six o'clock in Disneyland. The parade was still busy. At
the station you could not come in, there were so many people to
look. By the shop it went a smattering.

But we must to
go to the Star Tours Pavillion for
Mickey' s Magical Christmas Dinner. At 7 o'clock ' s evening
started the dinner. We came in a hall, where the orders were
distributed, which had we only hand in. Afterwards the staff stood
there in beautiful outfits, which you brought to your place. There
were long tables, where 8 persons could sit to. A nicely covered,
complete beautiful face, all those tables in the room.
One for one
the characters belonged to down, Mickey, Minnie, Gilpetto,
Pinocchio, Toy Story, the four princesses Cinderella, Sleeping
Beauty, Jasmine and Belle, the children goes to them (also the
parents) for photographic, signatures and a chat. They took all the
time for your. In the meantime the buffet opened. That saw very good
and tasted also well. Source water, red wine and white wine were
given. Also soft drinks and gravy d' orange. At approximately 10
o'clock it had expired and it was possible that the children can
still with the Santa Claus on the photograph in the hall. All in all
a nice evening, only we thought that a show was given.
next day we drove to New York hotel, but there was many fog, you
could see almost nothing. Therefore it will become not a long day in
Disneyland. We had firstly still to get some pictures of the
Claus Village in Critter Coral Frontierland, Woody's Roundup
Village. Afterwards we went to the Walt Disney Studios Park.
is never so many
Ambience to see, but there were a couple of new thing for
decoration. Fortunately that we had done yesterday the outside
shows, because today you saw nothing. Mickey stood in a beautiful
outfit at the car and Goofy ran as Santa on the square. Here it was
not to busy. What a relief after yesterday. But it had become a
piece colder. For the Crush Coaster people stood almost outside the
park and was just half past ten. It is not to believe, what a
waiting time. We take here and there some pictures.
had been entirely decorated in Christmas style. Goofy stood as Santa
Claus in the house chamber, also Lilo & Stich were in the Christmas
environment and the last carriage belonged to Clarice the girlfriend
of Chip & Dale.
All kinds of
little houses had been put here, where you could buy only Christmas
exclusively articles. Saw sociably. At approximately 1 o'clock we
left the park and go to the of the New York, to pick up the car. We
had still to drives 5 hours before we are at home. And with that fog
we could leave better early. We were still just for half past eight
in the evening at home. Two hours we stood in the traffic-jam in the
Netherlands near Gorinchem.