twentyfifth Time

We had
hold the unual Dreampassport in September and we want to join the Halloween
Party. The special tickets we had booked that through internet en we get 50%
off because of the Dreampass. The hotel we had booked that also through
internet. So we did not leave the Netherlands early.
We were half past one in the
park. It was a little bite of raining, but not to much. We try to get a
fastpass first for the Big Thunder Mountain, but they were all given out for this
day. What is the sence of a fastpass.....
There were a lot of people, half of
them had still autumn holiday. We stay till the
Villian Parade at four o'clock and after
that we want to buy something for my collection.
At five
o'clock we leave the park to check-in into the hotel. We drink a cup of coffee
and went to the park again. The park closed his doors at 20.00 hour and
started the Halloween Party at 20.30
hour. It was easy to come in, you just show your special ticket and goes in.
At some attractions they asked also for your ticket.
There were not so may people that evening, I think 1/3 of the people of today.
The waitingtime was now about 25 minutes and that was today 75 minutes.
Fantasyland closed at 23.00 instead of the safety for
the fireworks that
started this night at 24.00 hour.
The parade was at 23.30 hour and you could
sit at the stones of the flour. It was not cold at all. The rest of the lands
were closing at 01.00 hour. We went back to the hotel at a quater past one.
next morning we went first to Frontierland to see the Fanta Stitch. There came
at 11.00, 11.30 and 12.00 hour at different times shows from
Goofy and the Magic Pot, Stitch and the
Steels and Donals with the Bad Boys. Only that was not right. Stitch came with
Stitch and the Bad Boys and Donald was only
the Steels. We stay till 2 o'clock in the afternoon in
the park. In the Mainstreet we did see a
little Halloween Parade.

November 12 we leave for
a visit at the 2 American Parks Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
Trip to California
Trip to Walt
Disney Worls 2006
The Twenty-six Time
 This time
was it the turn for Cathy go along to Disneyland. She really
enjoyed, but the 'dolls' such as she called themselves the
characters she found nevertheless a little bit scary. We leave
Sundays at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. We would go to the park
the next day. We slept this time in My Travel Explorers, a hotel
exactly outside the Disney parks. 1 of the 4 new hotels which have
been built there. You have the same facilities as at the hotels in
the Disney park. There also drive buses to the parks. And these
hotels you can book them separate without entry tickets and
therefore is this the easy way for our annual passes.
wanted, however, a swimming pool for Cathy, then it was possible
that she still nicely can go into the water before she entered to
sleep. We were a quarter past six at the park and decided firstly
what to eat in Disney Village at Mac. Donald. Cathy took of
course a happy Meal with in this, the same characters as in the
Netherlands. Only these gave lightly and that she had them not yet.
She ate fortunately everything on and we took along the drink to the
hotel. Underway they was quite tired, therefore we decided that we
don't go to swim.
After checking in we
went to our room, there she recovered rapidly and found
it, however, nice. So the chips came and lemonade,
television on and she sits on the bed. She found that
terrific. At half nine she went in bed, but
sleeps........ no way.
following morning she went nicely in bath, dress and
afterwards to the breakfast. A French breakfast buffet,
rather simple. A half hour later to go outside and
waited for the bus. The bus came every 15 minutes,
therefore we did not have to wait long. We had the
purple buses, number 54.
The first thing what she saw
was Minnie on Times Square. She
had her signatures notebook with her, therefore we stand in the
file. She looked up to Minnie and did not know in fact if she wanted
this yes or no. But she decided nevertheless to go. Once she was
there she found it nevertheless nice. Hereafter came still several
characters , Dee, Suzy and Perla and the White Rabbit. The last one
would write on her hand with the pen. But they had written all her
notebook. After all these characters she found it enough and we went
to the first attraction. Underway we saw Mickey, but she would not
go with Mickey on the photo, so we decided to do that then tomorrow.
The waiting time was very low, only 5 minutes, which were a lot
long time ago. At all attractions was that. The weather was also
very well, 13 ° C. and that was great for the end of January.
The first one became Snow White and the seven dwarfs. She found
them, however, nice till we ride to the dark and mysterious wood
with the witches, then became it a little bit scary. Afterwards on
to Pinocchio. Also this she found them moderate, because there
was it also dark sometimes..
the carrousel had been closed for activities. So we continued to
Dumbo the flying Elephant. This found them entirely terrific.
Firstly she does not want to go high, but grandpa sits before us,
therefore later she wants no longer down. We took firstly still a
fast-pass for Peter Pan. But there we went afterwards not to go,
because that goes entirely in obscurity. Next were the Tea Cups.
could not twist to the wheel, which went very heavy, therefore we
did that for her. We would do still 1 attraction , which became '
It's a small World ' and even this she found them, however, nice,
but did not find it terrible, that it was over.
Afterwards we will eat at Buzz
Light-year pizza Planet restaurant. She wants gladly a Mickey pizza.
Cathy ate not much of the pizza, but us tasted best. We have sitting
there approximately 45 minutes. Also here the playground had been
closed. And this is just fun for the kids, food and play at the same
We went
to search of Winnie the Pooh, but we could not find him, however, we
saw 1 of the princesses, Aurora. Yes with her wanted Cathy on the
we will stand also in the file. After approximately 10 minutes
Aurora will be changed and another princess came, Cinderella. We
were almost to the turn and Cathy stepped with her notebook to
Cinderella. The photos had been made fast and she had signed also.
At last Cathy even gave her a little kiss on her cheek. We were near
the station and would take the train.
We came firstly at a shop and Cathy could
buy something. She had got some money. But yes what must you buy, if you see so
much nice things.
choice was really difficult for her. She firstly had Minnie, afterwards a fairy
stick with lights, but then she saw Nemo, yes that was nevertheless the most
beautiful thing. So she bought the Minnie for her little sister and the Nemo for
her self. From us she gets it later. The train was waiting already at the
station of Discoveryland. But we do not hurry ourselves, because if you are
near, he leaves. But not this time, everyone went out.
There was
a problem and they did not know how long it takes. Beautiful occasion of making
photos of the train. After approximately 10 minutes waiting, we left also. But
we were just out and then the rope left and we could go into the train again.
The whole train for us alone. We went along until Frontierland. There we would
see Mickey's Winter Wonderland in The
Chaparral Theatre.
show we had already seen different times, but he remains very sociable.
The show
started for half past one, we had ten minutes before it started. The middle was
already full, so we went to the left side. After the show we will obtain a
stroller for Cathy, because she was quite tired.
Outside we saw arriving on
Central Plaza a lot of characters, among other things, Eeyore and
Goofy, but there arrived suddenly also a lot of children and that
were for Cathy, exactly something too much. However, the most
have signed in her notebook. Now
firstly forward to pick up the stroller, which is also terrible easy
for the parade, then she does not have to sit on the pavement. With
the stroller on our way to the Thunder Mesa Riverboat to make a trip
over the lake. We firstly sit inside, but yes then you see nothing,
therefore we goes outside. Hereafter we went to the Pirates or the
Caribbean. Cathy asked already if this is not scary, we said a
little bit, because you go in small boats and then rapidly down, and
what we thought she found scary were not the boats, but the dolls
and the fire.
walked back slowly to Central Plaza for the parade, which would started over 10
minutes. And of course it started too late.
The Princesses
Parade found Cathy nice, especially Mickey and Minnie. Some characters came
sometimes to close to her. After the parade we returned to the hotel.
she could still get something from us. And that became a Minnie balloon. Full
pride she walks away. With the bus back and just eat a sandwich before we would
will swim. She could not wait solong till the time was there. With her bag we
went with the elevator down to the swimming pool. Firstly in the child bath and
afterwards in deeper. And that was exchanged each time.
past seven we returned to the room and she got still what chips and drinks,
whereupon she fells in sleep as a block-system.
The following morning after the
bath and breakfast we asked her what she wanted. Still a half day to
the park or to Disney Village for more shopping. She choose for the
shops, because there were no dolls there. She bought still a some
presents. At half past eleven we drove back to the Netherlands and
we were half past five at home at her parents. The next time she
want with us to Disney, but not to the park. Those dolls she found
that nothing.
